Wind Power for Home at Rs 50,000

Brothers and innovators Arun and Anoop George from Kerala have created a small wind turbine that can generate enough electricity to power a home daily. Owners of a clean energy company, Avant Garde Innovations, the two brothers are targeting to make this innovation available at the price of around Rs 50,000.

Image : The Quint
Image : The Quint

“We have made this turbine at a cost that is almost unheard of in the country so far,” says Arun, the CEO and founder of Avant Garde Innovations. “Whatever power… they produce for the rest of the life of the wind turbine – which is around 20 years – will be free electricity to them.”

According to The Quint, measuring the size of a ceiling fan and priced at a touch more than the latest Apple iPhone, the wind turbine can produce three to five kilowatt hours of electricity on a daily basis. Arun says he plans to introduce the wind turbine to the market for a little more than $750 USD, a price he claims will make it more affordable to Indian consumers whose only other option is imports, which sometimes cost over $3,000 USD (Rs 2 Lakh approximately).

One of the biggest players in the wind energy market, India is rapidly increasing its wind energy capacity, backed by a huge 4,671-miles coastline and high wind density on its western coast, according to clean energy research firm, Energy Alternatives India.

According to the Global Wind Energy Council, India ranks fourth in terms of global installed wind power capacity, after China, the US, and Germany.
Avant Garde Innovations was one of the select few companies from across the world invited to the prestigious 7th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM7) which was held at Silicon Valley, San Francisco on 1-2 June 2016. Avant Garde is the only Indian company from Renewable energy sector which was selected to this internationally renowned clean energy event.
You can even have 3 on your roof as it is shown in the below video:

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