China’s Plan for America – Chi Haotian | PlugInCaroo

This is an extract from China’s Defence Minister Speech in 2005. This CCP plan was developed in 1992 after the fall of Soviet Union. The 3 Main Points of the Plan:

• Create Living space in other countries & take their land;

• Control People, send them outside China, get them to steal technology

• Become Lord of the Earth by finishing off US & colonizing US, Canada & Australia.

The 3 main events in the speech are

1989 – Tiananmen Square protest

1991 – Fall of the Soviet Union.

1995 – Secret meeting of 500 global leaders USSR,US, Thatcher, Tony Blair Gorge Bush, Bill Gates etc in the San Francisco Fairmont hotel in 1995 to reduce world population by 80%. Meaning only 20% will live and 80% will have no use and will not be needed.

  • This is a true event described by Hans-Peter Martin, who was one of three journalists to be allowed to take part in all activities at the Fairmont convention, was a member of the European Parliament. He wrote a book on it:
  • The concept of new china came after a lot of brainstorming after Tiananmen Square Protest.
  • One Country Two Systems to trap US investments in China via Hong Kong happened in Year 1997.
  • Lead the Chinese people outside of China – This is true, restrictions on Chinese to travel out of China were removed by Beijing since 1995. As of Jan 2020 Chinese people had visa on arrival access to 71 countries in the world.
  • The Great Wall Project” to build up, along our coastal and land frontiers – this is true, he is talking about the String of Pearls Strategy aimed at India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines & Malaysia.
  • Large and medium-sized cities will have a solid underground “Great Wall” that can withstand a nuclear war – This is true world knows that Beijing already has one called Dìxià Chéng.

The complex is supposed to withstand nuclear, chemical & biological attack. Nobody knows if there are any other underground cities in China. Dixia Cheng is closed since 2008 for tourist because of “renovation”. This is not normal renovation. It has to be a mammoth renovation because it is still not opened after 12 yrs? Twelve Yrs for China is like 50 yrs for other countries. It looks like they have massively increased its capacity.

  • Numerous overseas Chinese will help us – This is true. There have been numerous espionage cases, even theft of weaponized viruses have been reported in US & Canada. Chinese scientists & research students have been regularly caught stealing Aircraft designs, nuclear designs and other similar highly sensitive documents from US to China. Yet US stupidly still allow large number of Chinese students into its top research facilities.
  • Chinese people will need better living spaces than what exists in China. This could mean that China would one day move out all of the Chinese people to occupied territories of US, Canada, Australia etc.
  • The assumption that once US has been defeated, all other nations will bow to China is completely true. Without US nobody will even dare to talk to China.
  • The advice to CCP comrades to talk of peace while planning war with that country.
  • To put on a smiling face even to please the Americans till goals are achieved. To say they are interdependent on each other when it is not so.
  • Talk about Taiwan but plan to attack US.
  • To drive out all Americans from US.
  • China did not build huge aircraft ships which are expensive but are instead researching bio-weapon viruses. This is true because such a big country like China has just 2 Aircraft carriers (24 & 32 fighter planes) while India which is 3 times smaller in size and economy has 1 Aircraft carrier (able to carry 20 fighter planes).
  • Recognising Bio-Weapons are best suited to China’s needs. China is advancing on Bio-Weapon warfare. This is true because there have been cases of theft of weaponised viruses from labs in US & Canada.
  • China is ready to sacrifice half their population.
  • Chinese in US will also be killed because they will be a problem to CCP.
  • China thinks that time is running out. The attack will happen 10-15 yrs after 2005.
  • To make propaganda that the Chinese Race is supreme.
  • Understanding of the fact that China’s enemy No.1 is US. This is true not only because of the ideology but because US has had a habit of bombing countries. US bombed 29 countries since 1945, countries like:

Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cambodia, Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Korea, Guatemala, Indonesia, Laos, Grenada, Iraq, Iran, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Vietnam, Yemen, Yogoslavia and even China.

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