Make Solar Panels compulsory on all Buildings, Shop & Farm else fine them Rs 100,000/yr

Recently there were news articles about Venkaiah Naidu appealing to Indian govt & firms to install Roof Top Solar Panels.

Prime Minister Modi too has been asking people to use Solar Power and even made a lot of policies for people to find it easy to install Solar Power.

But are the people moving? Yes there is movement in that aspect but the movement is very slow. The momentum has not picked up in spite of Solar Panels being able to output more than 6 times the wattage than just 10 years ago.

Output per panel has increased by almost 6 times in last decade!

Even the price for the panels …

has dropped significantly!

Prices for the panels have been falling too!

Yet people are slow to install… so what is the solution!!!

The only way to get people to install is to make rule for every single house, shop, building, farm, panchayat office, Municipal office, or farm to install rooftop solar is to fine them Rs 125,000 and then install a Rs 100,000 solar power system for them.

This should be the minimum fine. The bigger their office or house is the bigger should be the fine. For a housing society with many houses every house should be fined Rs 10,000 every year…. unless and until they do not install the solar power.

Else it will take another 100 years for the whole of India to be connected to the Sun!

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