Is Tesla a military project? | Tesla Military Vehicle? | PlugInCaroo

Is Tesla A Military Project? Tesla is a MILITARY project …

Look at Elon Musk’s other projects: SpaceX… rockets = missiles… man goes into space to create war on earth. His MARS goal is just a smoke screen.

StarLink Satellite technology… it is an internet technology that can bypass govt control.

Tesla a car that can record data… spy on you and capture audio & video footage even where cameras are not allowed.

The people who use the car will be top officials & executives and all their phone calls & discussion can be recorded while inside the car.

Combine this with AI… and the fact that his projects are closely related to US military. … scary stuff indeed!

During the Qatar Economic Forum interview when he was asked about AI… he said yes then he said … “we are tracking to that point… but we have few other exciting things” … meaning don’t focus too much on the robot thing

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