Ultraviolette F77 Electric Motorcycle Update Disappoints | PlugInCaroo

There is a very disappointing update about the Ultraviolette F77 electric motorcycle. The bike will come with a non-portable battery.

The original F77 was promised with a…

range of 150km range due to its 4.2 kilo Watt hour battery pack of Lithium Ion cells, but now the company has switched  to NMC cells. NMC mean Lithium Manganese Cobalt Oxide batteries.

The prototype had a very unique system which split the battery into three removable packs. But now the design has changed and that the pack is now a stressed member of the chassis.

Meaning it will be a fixed battery bike. This is very disappointing even though the range could increase by 20%.

This adjustment has been done after the entry of their biggest investor, TVS motors, who is a Petrol 2 wheeler Maker with a flop iQube electric scooter.

It is really surprising to see that these ICE vehicle makers are not willing to shift their own company to electric but want to invest in good startups and mess them up.

This is the 3rd time an ICE vehicle company has messed up the original design of an organic startup.

First it happened with Ather, where Hero Motor Corp converted the Ather scooter from an energy efficient scooter to an energy draining monster. Every year it needs more and more speed.

Then it happened with Ola. The petrol head CEO changed the portable battery design and made it into a fixed-to-frame non portable battery, to suit his fancy idea.

Now it happens with Ultraviolette.

Why do people have to mess with original ideas?

Because of this feature, Ultraviolette will fall in the same category as Ather & Ola. Ultraviolette will cost around 4 Lakhs, Ather will cost more than 1.5 Lakh and Ola below 1.5 Lakhs

They have not grown out of the Petrol Pump mentality, meaning, they think, if it is a vehicle it has to be taken somewhere to refuel it. They believe that because Elon does it with Tesla cars then that is how things have to be done. Fast chargers will be anyway too expensive to install in all buildings for every house.

For heavens sake, Tesla is a car with huge battery. Scooters just need a 1 kwh battery. Who is asking you to put 10 kwh battery for a scooter? Who is asking you to drive the price of the vehicle sky high? Most scooter users ride below 20 kilometers daily! So for who the hell are you making a 200 kilometer range 2 wheeler?

There is no wonder that portable battery scooters with 1kwh & 2kwh are doing excellent business in India!

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