Tag Archives: agricultural produce

Trump aiming to hit Indian Automobiles hard!

Donald Trump talked about many great things he has planned for America in his address to congress. There he had talked about “some countries” taxing American Harley Davidson motorcycles 100% Tax and called it unfair. Well that country was none other than India. He wants taxing in other countries to be fair…

Really? Mahindra has being trying to sell their vehicles in USA but still has not been successful to even get entry Tata had to buy the British Jaguar Land Rover brand to even qualify to sell “popcorn” in US and yet Nano has still not been allowed into US based on continuously increasing standards aimed to keep the Nano out… so much for talks about “being fair”. Same also for Indian pharmaceutical, garments & agricultural produce getting banned for vague reasons.  People who live in glass houses should not throw stones on others!!!

It is also time… Continue reading