Tag Archives: British Raj

How to Farm?

“How to Farm?”…  is a fundamental question… how man sources his food…is the one question that should come to everybody’s mind sometime in their lifetime. But the sad part is that neither does it come to the minds of most people nor to the newbie first time farmers in their effort to learn farming. The truth is that they try to think… “how to make maximum profit from farming or diary farming“.

20 yrs ago the person who took to farming used to be the school dropouts. Parents warned their children that “if you don’t study well you will end up as a farmer”. But today a lot of educated people like Doctors, MBAs, IT guys, Lawyers, etc are returning to take up farming as they are fed-up of their unending deadlines, stress, daily, weekly and monthly targets, unhealthy lifestyle and food.

The good news is that lot of educated people are returning to farming… but the sad news is that a lot of them are not asking the right questions and thus falling prey for traps laid out by  international agencies who mask themselves as Institutes, Consultants & Advisors for farmers!

If farmers do not tread carefully they could end up with a noose around their neck (suicide) …after all you are competing directly with some of the most powerful & cutthroat organizations in the world, like Bill Gates and Monsanto… for control over WATER and SEED.

How to Farm?

How to Farm?

But the biggest mistake they do is they try to… Continue reading

Solar Charka and Indian Manufacturing

Khadi will mark the revival of Indian Organic Farming, Solar Panels & Manufacturing in India! Our Prime Minister Modi has done a great thing by asking our Government Staff to wear Khadi once a week on Fridays. Our schools should too incorporate this noble idea and both the Students and the Teachers can wear Khadi once a week. The Students can also learn to spin the charka and create the thread. This will help to improve powers of concentration in the children especially in today’s world where they are glued to the TV, Smart Phones or Video Games.

Charka (the wheel) is in the center of our national flag… but never our life. Charka is a GENERATOR… is a source of energy…harnessing which you can create thread or use it to produce energy using the principles of a dynamo… OR EVEN BOTH!

Ancient India: 200 yrs ago (200 yrs ago is not too ancient) India was the manufacturing hub of the world. It held “PATENTS” to most of the technology used of that day… most of which are superior to the technology… even today. Not only in India but in many parts of the world there existed such technology or knowledge that were economic, sustainable, and superior to what is being mass produced in the name of technology today. Most of the knowledge was passed down the family or generation by word of mouth and perfection practiced of a lifetime was handed down the generations. Some of eg of the superior technology are the rustproof iron pillars, use of Wootzsteel for sword, water harvesting technology using earth as storage, technology to produce zinc from Zinc-ore, kalari as martial arts. What the British successfully did during the Raj was to destroy these local industries and set it up in England for the benefit of their countrymen and gave it the name “Industrial Revolution”. Such Industries first used water-power to move machines as was common in India during those time then later on used steam power. Using Indian methods of agriculture and Indian plough they even had an Agricultural Revolution with increased agriculture output during this period for the very first time in their HISTORY.

What Gandhi did during the non cooperation movement was to reverse the entire trend and break the vicious cycle that the British had created… the farmers would grow cotton and spin their own thread, weave their own cloth and wear it & not buy it… Indian cloth innovation was amazing in the fact it did not need any stiching or modifying. You could buy it and wear it irrespective of size and weight. Indians thus were to avoid the mill cloths sold by Indian Industralist who were middlemen (pimp) for the British. Another thing the Charka did was to unify the seemingly different varieties of language, religion, cast and skin colour of the country… twisted it all into a single thread… just like the multiple fibers of the cotton plant are twisted and turned by the Charka to produce the wonder of Khadi cloth.

If no Indians bought british cloth, during the non cooperation movement, and the british couldnt get the raw material (cotton) it would have put so much pressure on the British that the so called “Industrial revolution” would have grinded to an halt. Around the same time Hitler sent half of British soldiers to heaven… Compromise was the only way out… thanks to which some british business houses still get many business royalty payments from India even to this day. Today also nothing much has changed the foreign companies are trying to copy the illuminati British Raj model – get the raw material at cheap, cheated & exploited price from other countries, then “Make-In-Their country”, and sell the finished products in the same country from where it was sourced from. Also make laws for these exploited countries not sell their products or services in your country citing laws like food, drug or car safety. Even if they are able to comply with those then create quotas or limits of how much they can sell.  That is exactly what’s happening under the GAME that is the Word Trade Organization. The British Illuminati ruled India with “Treaties” today they tule the world with the exact same “Treaties”… Treaties that are squarely in their favour and have nothing in favour of the developing world which make the maximum number of people and countries.

Charka also stood for value addition… like selling cotton is a loss instead it was easier to sell and store cloth made of cotton… just like making tomato sauce is easier to sell and store… converting sugarcane to jaggery, potato to potato chips, just like making curd from milk and then ghee from curd stays fresh for years together and easier to store & sell. But still even today you see Indian farmers sell cotton, tomato, sugarcane, potato and even milk as it is produced and that too at almost throwaway prices.

Ancient World Trade: 200 yrs ago India along with China made more than 60% of world trade (around 30 % percent each)… meaning they sold more products like agriculture and manufactured goods. The proof of these products selling around the world are the amount of Gold that existed in the Country which was brought in by trade. Gold was the exchange rate at that time. How many countries have temples built of Gold? There were many temples of gold and gold were hidden in vaults of temples by the local ruling family. This was the reason for which many Kings braved to cross the Khyber pass and come to India. Vasco Da Gama braved the rough sea and the cape of good hope and came all the way around the globe looking for a sea-route to India. Christopher Columbus landed in America while in search of India and even thought those people were Indians. (Imagine a guy going out in search of America and then traveling to Australia and then announcing to the world that he has found America and then referring the Australians as Americans. I think there this has to be the biggest blunder of History AND Geography).

Great King Alexander came to India because he was told that in India there are great ants that create gold… In the attempt to invade India  he would for the first time in his life came across peaceful people who were equally tough in war. He would fight the fiercest battle of his life. He would loose his most beloved horse Bucephalus, his heroic horse of many wars and he himself almost got killed by King Porus but never found the ants. Little did he realize that the so called “ants” were not insects but hardworking Indian people. This is VERY noticeable once you setp out of India. Even today look around you, you will see Indian “ants” working honestly… and as tirelessly as the ants “creating Gold”. India has very few gold mines but still hold 50% of the world gold. All these gold were bought home by way of trade as gold was the standard of exchange back then. Of course there are people who are seduced by corruption, to seek short cuts, easy money, easy profit, exploit the resource more without putting in anything, greed to have more with contributing the least, who seek the best by putting in the least work. Some people prefer call it “evils of Capitalism” but lets not give it any “names” as of now and get lost in the debate of Capitalism v/s any other “-ism”.

What changed?: The question we are asking is: First… how did India possess this art of manufacturing? Second…And how did we loose it? Did we loose it or was this art snatched away from us? Are we purposely kept away from this ART of MANUFACTURING?

Globalization: Many people thought and still think Globalization was the right way ahead because India did not have any great cars scooters or motorcycles. What we had then was Ambassadors and Fiats Premier Padmani in cars, in Bikes there was Enfield Bullet, and the classic Lambretta scooter to compare with the old Audi, Volkswagen, BMW, Honda,…etc. So we thought that opening up our local business for foreign investment and ideas would bring in better flair and technology in autombile and manufacturing discipline in our automobile sector.

But even after 2 full decades what we see are no great step ahead except probably in the interior of cars. In two wheelers too it was the made in India Bajaj who had to come out with Pulsar which changed a lot of things in India most of all it proved that there is demand for such a motorcycle and the demand is not only for vehicles that give the most mileage. The exterior designs of the Ambassador and Fiat were sturdy and better than most of the sedan cars available in India today. The Enfield Bullet is still king of Indian roads and rules with style and the traditional model scooter exist even today. So where is this great technology import from globalization?

Meanwhile India created the Tata Nano AMT & Nano CNG the highest mileage, lowcost & low maintenance, Automatic Transmission subcompact, Tata also created the Ace, Magic & Iris Transport platform, Bajaj was able to create the RE60 auto-rickshaw on 4 wheels and Chetan Maini 20 yrs ago also created the Reva Electric Car when the world could not dream as big enough and thought of electric car as a joke… 20 yrs later India would developed the Ather electric scooter UNDERLINING the fact that all innovation and technology were brought about by Indians locally and not by these profit mongering foreign companies who got a lot of land and tax benefits but could not develop ANY innovation. Even today there is not a SINGLE Electric Vehicle in Indian market from US & EuropeSo where is this great technology import from globalization?

Innovation for Volkswagon is not making electric cars and selling them in India, but trying to cheat emission norms. Innovation for similar companies is to reduce jobs by installing robots in the plants even after getting so many benefits (were these benefits not given to provide more jobs?). So this was the innovation and technology that India was to benefit from?

The main thrust of these foreign companies was in already existing, easy to target… unorganized market… especially FMGC sectors like creams, soaps, shampoos, noodles, Biscuits, Tea, coffee, Potato chips, tomato ketchup, toothpaste, jam, pickles, soft drinks. Today the stuff peddled in this sector under their brand names are some of the most unhealthy and dangerous products for human use. It is this very market that Patanjali is competing with healthier products and already the foreign companies are having a hard time and crying foul. It is only because Ramdev Baba is popular and has connection at the right places that he is able to ward off these foreign companies and their veiled threats.

Seed Pirates Cheating Indian Farmers with BT Cotton?

Foreign Traders or Pirates?:These foreign companies in spite of getting favorable taxation policies and cheap land prices almost all of these companies perfected the art of threatening and arm twisting local existing companies to sell out to them. Its again like the Pirates of East India Company is back to Loot and pillage the Country while they are allowed to engage in trade. Almost all of the local companies were taken over by threat or by unfair means. Most of us are familiar with the Parle Thumbs-up takeover by a global soft drink giant by confiscating the empty glass bottles of Parle from shops and restaurants and storing them in warehouses until Parle ran out of glass bottles to sell their soft drink. (This was at a time when plastic bottles were considered dangerous for soft drinks today Soft drinks comes only in plastic bottles). In any other country the global soft drink giant would have been raided and banned and charged with cheating, due to confiscating local traders goods & threatening existing local sellers. This was exactly the tactics used by East India Company 200 yrs ago. By the time complaints reached the Kings these companies had grown big and powerful exactly like… Nestle, Pepsi, Coke, Colgate, etc. Back then it was only one company now there are many such companies… and our Prime Ministers Manmohan Singh AND Narendra Modi send invitations to set camp in India because they are inefficient to provide jobs to local people…. but they both dont mind paying millions in loans in Dollars!!! So what is different between them???

Similarly all existing profitable companies were “advised by govt” to SELL OUT to foreign companies when Manmohan Singh gave green light for Globalization. Reva tried to sell to General Motors. Tata also tried their best to sell their Indica but were “lectured down” by Ford on how Tata were “incompetent” in automobile sector and should stick to Truck-making. (Karma gave Rata Tata great satisfaction to buyout Jaguar & Land Rover (JLR) from Ford 10 yrs later and a much cash strapped Ford had to thank Tata for buying JLR else Ford would have had to shut them down). These are all examples of how Foreign companies operate – intimidate. Try doing all this in their country. Try going to US and competing with Apple using unfair means… its not that its impossible… but the Govt will not let it happen no matter how corrupt they are.

Solar Energy technology is not a new phenomenon nor has the efficiency of the solar cells grown manifold. In fact we had solar powered calculator that were efficient enough to work with ambient light of a room 30yrs back. So why the West & Europe did not innovate and implement this technology back then? Was the Electric Car not killed? Was the thin film solar panels not killed many years ago? Why is there a sudden revival?… The revival happened because China has started to gallop far ahead in Solar, Wind energy and also in electric transportation and the rest of the West and the minuscule European countries want to outpace China. So to beat China and to show the world that Renewable Energy & Electric Car technology are promoted by the West and Europe they put out news that these tiny countries have started producing far more electricity than they consume from renewable energy.

Foreign Capital/Finances: Then there has been this constant Chatter that these foreign companies bring in capital or finance? All of these US & Euro countries are in a mess… there is no family savings in USA… so how will these countries finance a country with a much bigger population? How can any of the European countries finance a country that is many times bigger than them in size, population and resources. As if India has problem in financing any companies? The Rs 2,500/5,000 crore Indian Railway Bonds were sold out within 1 hour of its opening. India has enough people to combine and contribute towards ANY projects in India if they get good enough benefit… but the Indian Government want no Indian money.

Corrupt Governments love World Bank Loans: All Corrupt Government love World Bank Loans… and the opposite is true as well…meaning… Governments in love with World Bank Loans are Corrupt. Such governments invent many types of Major Construction projects and lament that here is dearth of internal funds to finance such huge projects. Not all such projects benefit the country. Especially the Storm Drain Projects that carry the Precious-as-gold rain water and dump it in sea has resulted in falling water table right across India. Today most places in India have water table below as 600 feet below… some places it is common for water to go below 900 feet. As of Today 2016 Indian Govt wants Indian people to take their money out of savings and put ALL of their hard earned money in Share Market so that it will show that Indian companies are doing well. To enforce this this RBI is decreasing the “BANK RATE”.  After all what will these corrupt Ministers do with money stashed illegally in International Banks (called “Swiss” Banks)… after all these money need to make profit… So these International Banks give money to World Bank (WB) and then WB loans it to India. Thus to build roads, railway and bridges… India will borrow from World Bank the very same illegal scam money. Thus INDIA IS PAYING INTEREST in DOLLARS ON ILLEGAL SWISS BANK MONEY!!! Imagine that… and these guys were talking on bring back Black money from these very banks!!! NOW DO YOU SEE why all ministers of India like to take loans IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE FROM WORLD BANK??!!??

The farce played out in Indian Democracy is the Guy (Rahul Gandhi) accused of having Black Money is challenging the Government to bring back Black Money… and the Government don’t want to reclaim the black money from Swiss bank… (currently they are busy creating loophole to allow the Black Money holders to bring it to India without penalty…even this is ok as long as we don’t have to take WB loans and create financial policies on WB instructions) this state of “impotence” is that of a government that came to power by the work of Bharat Swabiman Trust (Baba Ramdev & Rajiv Dixit) filing PIL in supreme court to declare the foreign bank account as the property of India and to reclaim it. Now what happened to bringing back black money and taking away income tax? Where is India Government on this issue?

But coming back The question we are asking is: How did India possess this art of manufacturing? And how did we loose it? Did we loose it or was this art snatched away from us? Are we kept away from this ART of MANUFACTURING?

Art of manufacturing do not come from only studying abstractly things but by also watching… how things are being created… and creating it themselves. 200 years ago the children of the country  were busy creating and producing… some were producing the best quality pots, some were producing the best quality rice, some kids were perfecting technology of creating “Pokkali” breed of rice that can grow in salt water, some were creating the best Makhan the world ever knew, the best steel, the best iron, the best hand woven cloth the world ever knew, the purest honey, extracting the purest virgin oil, learning the best martial arts, the best food and ways to cook them, the best ayurvedic medicinal & massage-treatment, the best bamboo baskets, he could help create hatches to put on roof of his & mend his house, solve local municipal problems by constructing bunds, dams, bridges, etc. We also know about the tale of the Indian person who created the first flying object, of course there were other people French, Italian and German who were all engaged to create flying objects that would later be known as planes. But the fact is India was a leader and the technology that came out of India was cutting edge and not copy & paste stuff. This all comes from learning to create and getting hands dirty during school life.

Today ask a 15 year old to create something… unfortunately the poor child can create nothing other than a paper boat, possibly a paper rocket, draw a few clouds, houses or school. In fact one could be lucky of all of the kids in a class can do that… of course there are a few that are very good at art and craft but alas… forget about developing something best or even outstanding in the world…can he even throw a punch properly?

The fact is that our kids are wasting their precious time in school learning abstract stuff that they will never use in life. Like how maths is made up of algebra and trigonometry? Why we have to study so much English when rest of the syllabus is already in english? The fact is the art of creating or manufacturing has been taken out of the “system” by the British very meticulously during their rule in India… almost completely.. over 2 generation (100 years) of East India Company rule and 2 generation (100 years) of British Rule in India.

The invasion of any country by these foreign companies usually start by asking for “special concessions” for investing in the country. The ground rule for any business is that if it is not profitable for you, and you feel that there is excessive pressure or excessive threat of loss then please do not come to invest.

How do you define an Invasion? Invasion can be defined as “a force” that tries to change your economic OR military policy… either by Threat or by Commerce!!! Hitler had writen in his Mein Kampf that “Invasion can be done via Military or by using Commerce. With Commerce it will take a lot of time.

If Indian companies go to invest in Africa they do not need to ask for special concessions and it would be foolish of the Governments if they do give in to special concession request of such companies. But what is funny is that these Illuminati companies hate to pay tax to the governments… wonder why?

But what is of utmost concern is that during the LOOT OF INDIA and TALIBAZATION OF INDIA BY THE BRITISH the art of creation and manufacturing has been taken away from the children as the British replaced the Gurukul education with British School which was far poor than India not only in numeric system but astronomy, music, dance, warfare, etc. Fortunately they were not successful in replacing Indian numeric system with their system because This has to be returned to them at the earliest. Children’s creativity has not to be limited to paper and pencil but has to include a lot of things.

Start teaching the kids not only to wear khadi but also the art of making Khadi. This was the Dream of Mahatma Gandhi… but nobody talks about it after Independence of India. Each school should have a loom-lab instead of the hardly useful chemistry-lab (where frogs are tortured and children are “forced” and taught to cut them open). Prizes should be kept for the best designed Khadi… this should be voted by the students electronically so as to encourage the best designer to improve his art.

School Students and Teachers can wear Khadi once a week. That would increase the demand of Khadi manifold and provide employment for the Khadi workers in the villages. People are asking what can we do to help farmers to avoid suicide… well we can buy the clothes they make. The Khadi and looms can be powered by Solar Panels. The power of Charka is anybody can do it… even a beggar .. then he will no longer be a beggar.  Above all it will empower the educated and the uneducated to create something from “nothing”. They would no longer have to deal with abstract subjects. Also the law of Khadi as per Mahatma Gandhi is “Only a person who makes Khadi should wear it”. THIS WAS NEVER HIGHLIGHTED EVER!

Below are some activities which can be brought to the knowledge of children. Each are an industry by itself and if incorporated into their home can save a lot of money of the parents over the years. Not only will their food be healthy but it will save enough money to cover the cost of education.

  1. Khadi – Each student must learn how to use the Spinning Wheel – It is the only object that unifies India and is the symbol of our freedom movement. Khadi. Spinning is the best and most productive thing to do while watching TV anyway. It will help the student to concentrate better. The chem Lab can be made more usefull this way. Or another “Practical Lab” can be opened for this similar and following activities.
  2. Agriculture – Each Student can grow one vegetable & one Fruits every year either at school or at home or both.
  3. Learn the art of turning Sugarcane juice to Gur and prepare it as practical in each school.
  4. Learn and prepare biogas at school and home.
  5. Create atta from wheat by turning stone wheel and maintenance of the stone wheel.
  6. Create handmade paper.
  7. Learn to extract oil from nuts & seeds like – Coconut, groundnut, sesame seeds, etc
  8. Toy making from wood, bamboo, etc
  9. Bamboo basket weaving etc.
  10. Once a week helping local farmers with sowing paddy etc (Sweat donation), making bunds, clearing farm, cutting grass, feeding cows, etc. These are all learning something useful that will help them later in life.

Since we are discussing Khadi we would request all the interested people to purchase at least 10% of their clothing as Khadi. Some of the things that can be easily replaced are Khadi Towel, Khadi Bedsheet, Khadi handkerchief, Khadi pillowcase and then finally Khadi clothes.

When purchasing Khadi always ensure that the cotton used is organic cotton because Genetically Modified “BT Cotton” is an Earth Killer and mainly responsible for the Farmer Suicides in India. The farmers had made their soil weak and unhealthy with years of chemical farming which killed the earthworms and the bees. With both of these any farming is bound to FLOP!!!! So Bring this to the notice of the farmers and the Khadi sellers. 

By the time these kids are out of college they would be creating some of the best quality manufacturing business in town. Not only that they would they know how to create something useful but they would have mastered how to market it and how to sell it.

Khadi and the Solar Charka must and will play a great role in the future manufacturing field in India… to me it is as clear as DAYLIGHT.

Cow – the source of Electricity, Fuel & Health

Cow…Since everybody is on it… let us at PlugInCaroo also get into the discussion.

For the past 200 years war is being waged on India

For the past 200 years India is on WAR

A war is being waged on India for more than 200 years. In any war the main objective is to… Continue reading