Tag Archives: charging

People who do not understand EV talk about charging infrastructure

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Now anybody can make money by charging EVs legally!

The power ministry would soon bring an electric vehicle(EV) charging infrastructure policy, which will also allow individuals to set up charging station for commercial use to boost e-mobility, said Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister R K Singh Sunday.Make It Rain Money GIF

“We have circulated the EV Charging Policy for comments (among other department/ministries). The second line of the policy says that everybody is free to set up EV charging station,” Singh told reporters at International Symposium to Promote Innovation & Research in Energy Efficiency (Inspire).

When asked whether individuals would be able to use the facility on commercial basis, he replied, “Absolutely. You dont need a licence”.

The EV charging infrastructure is… Continue reading

PlugInIndia establishes EV Charging Infrastructure

Our friends at http://www.PlugInIndia.com have successfully created India’s 1st and ONLY community  charging infrastructure. Its kind of Zero Budget Infrastructure that was set up by the community to enable Electric cars to travel much beyond their range-boundary of 100kms. The best thing about the charging infrastructure is it pays the Infrastructure-developer an income from anybody who comes to charge the vehicle. The charging fee range from free charging to Rs 100 per hour depending upon the shop that is providing the charging. If charging is done from a shop then charging is done from a commercial meter at commercial rates and thus they charge Rs 100 per hour. Some people have opened their hearts and let the EV community charge free from their house or housing society.

This effort has made trips between Mumbai to Pune and back a distance of 300kms (150kms each way) completely possible for anybody with E2O which has a range of just 100km  WITHOUT ANY DIFFICULTY.

The fact remains that Mahindra were NEVER ABLE TO IMPLEMENT highway charging “infrastructure” is proof to our below statement of “incompetence”. These are the same guys who tried to sell Manual Transmission (MT) Scorpio in countries where people do not touch MT without realizing that the “MT-era” had passed in those countries 😉

Lol…looks like the EV community have got pissed off with Mahindra’s go-slow approach and started to implement their own solution while all the petrol car makers have have developed Electric Car since 2010… but refuse to release it and hold the Govt responsible for its delay. Companies like Tata, Maruti & Mahindra talk EVERY YEAR about “releasing the NEW Electric car next year”… and which never got released for 5 straight years.  Zero work also on Infrastructure development.

Its time the Government start to fine all who flout the below rule:

  1. Car manufacturers who do not manufacture 10%  Electric vehicles.
  2. All Companies must have at least 10% of their 2-wheeler/car/bus fleet as Electric cars.

We at PlugInCaroo believe as a rule of thumb that Petrol Car companies the world over are incompetent to make electric car… at the efficiency of say Solar Ahmed‘s Vehicle… at the same price, range and distance.

For Eg. The 63yr old Solar Ahmed whose car is robest enough to have traveled above 100,000 Kms with a Rs 100,000 car, and even covered a 3,000kms journey in 30 days.  Thus he can travel all over India even the Ghats without a single drop of petrol… At that rate… he was covering a distance of 100kms per day charging from Solar Panels…  a task not even equaled by Mahindra’s Rs 9,00,000 E2O especially considering the price of Solar Ahmed’s car. Now dont even mention the BMW’s or Tesla’s price tag for they have to hang their head in SHAME.

…for now lets check out the magic that PlugInIndia has woven…

Gadkari’s “pilot project” on 15 year old Technology.

One fine day Mr Gadkari, Indian Transport minister woke up from his slumber in August 2015 and decided that running electric buses would be cost effective and set about with the Indian Space Research Organization to deploy 15 buses on a pilot project. Possibly he believes that electric vehicles are rocket science and after the Agni Missile Programme, Moon Mission, Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) , Mars Orbiter Mission the mission of making an electric Bus for the people of India should be the next biggest task assigned to India’s biggest Organization.

Now a Pilot project is a small scale preliminary study conducted in order to evaluate feasibility, time, cost, adverse events, and statistical variability in an attempt to study the design and its function prior to implementation of the Technology.

The problem is that the technology in question is 15 years old and…

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Maxximo Electric – Van, School Bus & Truck

The year 2014 is coming to and end and pretty soon the Electric variant of the Mahindra Maxximo Van, School Bus and Truck is expected to make its entry. It’s been too long in the waiting and I was expecting it to be released around Diwali 2014. Do note that the Diesel variant had already been running around since 2010 but now I expect it to, finally, make landfall within the next 6 months…bole tho…by December 2014 or maximum by March 2015.

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E-Bikes in India – The Sensible Choice

Bikes are supposed to be Power Objects, Bikes are supposed to be Mean, Masculine, tyres bigger than biceps… Bikes are supposed to be ooze sexuality… they are supposed to attract the opposite sex. People own it to portray sexiness. Heck even girls ride power bikes for that macho feel…. kind of to do the forbidden.


Pulsar – the best selling Petrol Bike in India… although it is expensive and has a poor mileage.

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