Tag Archives: CNG car

End of Road for Diesel Vehicles…

VW Cheating is biggest proof that Diesel cannot meet emission standards!!!

                  VW Cheating is biggest proof that Diesel cannot meet emission standards!!!

The dangers of vehicles polluting our fresh air is a real one… and finally the world is waking up to the fact and taking action accordingly. Global fight against Polluting Vehicles is a battle for the survival of Mankind. Not only in Delhi & Bihar but also in the World the governments are considering taking active steps on curbing vehicles that pollute the most – Diesel & Petrol Vehicles… whether they are.. Continue reading

E2O vs Nano GenX (AMT)vs Alto

E2O takes on the Nano GenX  (AMT) vs Alto and barely scrapes through to survive and tell the tale. Nano comes out shining second while Alto gets some respect from the defeat due to its mammoth 35ltr tank!

E2O vs rest

E2O vs rest – Cost of traveling 1,000 Km on E2O is just Rs 500 which makes it Rs 0.50 per km while Nano CNG is close behind with Rs 1.20 the rest are well over Rs 2.50.

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