Tag Archives: cold

Poor health could kill India-Rising!

Most Indian families use healthy herbs and potent spices in their food… but why do we still rank on top of the unhealthy bunch?

Tendulkar believes that India should move from a sports loving nation to a sports playing nation…

true…  we have been taking our health for granted. Even for minor cold and cough we have started to depend upon medicines prepared by pharmaceutical companies to safeguard our health.

PREVENT COUGH by keeping a tiny bit of sea salt in your mouth so that the salt kills the bacteria that causes discomfort in your throat.

But of late these medicines… has been found to be very detrimental to our health and led to the development of chronic illness like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma, kidney disease, etc.  So on one hand we are loosing our money by paying for these medicines and on the other hand we are loosing our health too in the long run.

What is startling is that some of these minor and chronic disease can be very easily cured by ancient/traditional Indian methods.  PlugInCaroo Health Series will be an effort in that direction.

On one hand using traditional methods and using less over-the-counter medicines by the population of India could reduce the GDP of India slightly… but more importantly than that this will translate into a lot of healthy youth.

Such a move to use traditional organic medicines instead of inorganic chemical medicines will adversely affect the economy of some Indian companies and many International companies.

Just like moving from chemical fertilizers to organic fertilizers it is completely possible to move away  from chemical medicines!

Make sure to keep an  eye on this page as more video content will be added to this as the series progresses.