Tag Archives: E2O Plus Dashboard

Mahindra E2O Plus – Review

The world is moving towards banning Petrol & Diesel for all vehicles by the year 2025. The use of Electric vehicles are becoming more real than ever before. India has 2 good electric cars in E2O & E2O Plus. The cost of travelling in these cars are as cheap as travelling by a motocycle. Since this car does not use Petrol or Diesel (which are very expensive and harmful fuel)… you can save as much as Rupees 1 Lakh a year on fuel cost…especially if you drive a total distance of 100kms.

The maths is very simple… to recharge this “E2O Plus” P8-version car you will need just Rs 100 and you get 140km range. Most people travel within this range.

140kms with a petrol car will… Continue reading