Tag Archives: fodder

Free Online Dairy Farming Course – Part 1 of 2

Updated on 29 July 2023

This course is FREE!!! If you or your friend or relative is interested in starting a Dairy Farm or is interested in pursuing a Dairy Management course then this is the one course that will EVER be needed… in life… and it is completely free! Go through the following videos and you will know how to manage a dairy farm.

It is really shocking to see how many newbies are interested in our Free Online Dairy Farming course but not interested in our FREE ONLINE FARMING COURSE (agriculture course). You will surely struggle as a dairy farmer if you do not know do the farming course because Dairy Farming and Agriculture are two sides of the same coin. You cannot have one without the other because the quality of milk & health of the cow depends ENTIRELY upon the feed you are able to source. If you attempt to do Dairy Farming without knowledge about agriculture you will surely end up in debt traps. These traps are well planned and set up by various govt institutes, banks, insurance companies, and companies selling Dairy machines & equipment. I am not saying you don;t need the machines… but which one to use and when to use will make a lot of difference on your financial success. I strongly suggest you to do the Farming/ Agriculture course before you EVEN think of doing this course.

Once you have done the Free Online Farming Course… and BEFORE YOU START this Dairy course… make sure you 1st read all the text till the end of this blog and ONLY THEN watch the videos. (Else most of the things will not be understood).

Free Dairy Management Course

Free Dairy Management Course

You will learn:

  • What to feed?
  • How to Feed?
  • How many times to feed?
  • How to grow your fodder?
  • How to detect disease in the cattle and how to cure it easily and cheaply?

Continue reading

Jersey/HF cows not good for India!

Indian Diary Farmer cutting the very branch he is sitting on

Indian Diary Farmer cutting the very branch he is sitting on

Jersey/HF cows are at their best where the average temperature of the state or province during the afternoon is below 25 degrees Centigrade. I said BELOW 25 for 90% of the time… not just for coldest month! In India the temperature in almost all states is much above that except for the month of February  This makes Jersey/HF unsustainable across almost all of India (except  the hill stations of India).

These poor small ear-ed animals have a huge difficulty dissipating heat. Ears are the cooling system of a cow’s body. Small ears hold more heat within the body. This is an advantage in snowing countries but… Continue reading