Tag Archives: Ghee

Who is more intelligent-a Cow or a Dog?

All animals have enough intelligence to help them live a healthy life and have the ability to survive predators, find mates and even take care of its young ones. Some animals have certain abilities more than other animals.It would be wrong to say one one animal is more intelligent than the other because we judge animals based on our own experience in relation to… animals living under our “captivity” and not in the open or wilderness… as nature had intended.

Man judges an animal’s intelligence based on… Continue reading

How to Farm?

“How to Farm?”…  is a fundamental question… how man sources his food…is the one question that should come to everybody’s mind sometime in their lifetime. But the sad part is that neither does it come to the minds of most people nor to the newbie first time farmers in their effort to learn farming. The truth is that they try to think… “how to make maximum profit from farming or diary farming“.

20 yrs ago the person who took to farming used to be the school dropouts. Parents warned their children that “if you don’t study well you will end up as a farmer”. But today a lot of educated people like Doctors, MBAs, IT guys, Lawyers, etc are returning to take up farming as they are fed-up of their unending deadlines, stress, daily, weekly and monthly targets, unhealthy lifestyle and food.

The good news is that lot of educated people are returning to farming… but the sad news is that a lot of them are not asking the right questions and thus falling prey for traps laid out by  international agencies who mask themselves as Institutes, Consultants & Advisors for farmers!

If farmers do not tread carefully they could end up with a noose around their neck (suicide) …after all you are competing directly with some of the most powerful & cutthroat organizations in the world, like Bill Gates and Monsanto… for control over WATER and SEED.

How to Farm?

How to Farm?

But the biggest mistake they do is they try to… Continue reading

Government, Tax and Oil… the happy nexus!

You hear a lot of talk about the Government setting up targets for Electric Vehicles and the so called not too famous FAME scheme for faster adoption of Electric vehicles. But you dont see any action on the ground. You dont see any company coming forward to create electric cars, nor do you see the government placing any orders for Electric Bus or Cars. No we are not talking about “Pilot Projects” which are… Continue reading