Tag Archives: LPU

Are you up for the EV Racing Challenge?

Indo Asian Solar Challenge

Indo Asian Solar Challenge

Lovely Professional University, Phagwara‎, Punjab, India had organised the Electric Bike Racing Challenge and is now organizing the  Indo Asian Solar (car) Challenge (IASC) 2016 both great platform for the students of the University to exhibit their skill and knowledge. This is also a great platform to get experience in wining potential investors or Venture Capitalist. The university has also made good effort in publicity and providing a good prize money (Rs 100,000 to 500,000) as an incentive for the winners. The latest challenge is the Indo Asian Solar Challenge 2016.

Today we at PlugInCaroo ask some soul searching questions both from the students and the faculty. With all respect please note that we are not complaining about LPU nor about the students but just asking if we could all together improve the already set standards… not to follow how the solar races happen elsewhere in the world… but to set our own standards which other International Colleges would want to meet?

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