Tag Archives: Olectra Greentech

Is Tesla a military project? | Tesla Military Vehicle? | PlugInCaroo

Is Tesla A Military Project? Tesla is a MILITARY project …

Look at Elon Musk’s other projects: SpaceX… rockets = missiles… man goes into space to create war on earth. His MARS goal is just a smoke screen.

StarLink Satellite technology… it is an internet technology that can bypass govt control.

Tesla a car that can record data… spy on you and capture audio & video footage even where cameras are not allowed.

The people who use the car will be top officials & executives and all their phone calls & discussion can be recorded while inside the car.

Combine this with AI… and the fact that his projects are closely related to US military. … scary stuff indeed!

During the Qatar Economic Forum interview when he was asked about AI… he said yes then he said … “we are tracking to that point… but we have few other exciting things” … meaning don’t focus too much on the robot thing

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Olectra Greentech launches luxury electric bus

Hyderabad: Olectra Greentech Limited on Wednesday, launched its first luxury mini electric bus. Manufactured in India, the zero-emission electric bus ‘eBuzz K6 LuXe’ is first electric Bus in its category in the country.

Olectra Greentech launches luxury electric bus

The bus is aimed at providing a luxurious travel to high end commuters while using alternate form of energy. Another variant of K6 with 22 seats was launched on World Environment Day earlier this year, and have been exported to Nepal, and is available for Indian markets as well.

eBuzz K 6 LuXe was unveiled by N K Rawal, Managing Director – Olectra Greentech Ltd. N Nagasatyam, Executive Director – Olectra Greentech Ltd. said, “Olectra-BYD has been pioneer in the Electric Public Transport System in