Tag Archives: Renault

Tata Nano GenX selling steady while one CEO dead & the other tried to kill Nano

Tata Nano GenX in spite of the global conspiracy to derail the project and bad mouthing (Nanos catching fire) it has been selling at a steady pace of around 800 cars per month. On the other side Kwid an inferior but better looking car is selling 10 times more!

Between Renault Kwid and Nano GenX we all know what is the difference… its “Advertisement” budget. Actually Renault must have spend 100 times more to advertise Kwid than Tata did with Nano GenX.

There is also more to this than meets the eye… some VERY SINSTER CASES – One where its CEO was murdered and the other in which the CEO who replaced the murdered CEO tried his best to MURDER NANO! Finally he was royally booted out by… Continue reading

Mahindra E2O V/s Renault Twizy V/s Renault Zoe V/s Nissan Leaf – Comparison

Now that the Mahindra E2O has gone to UK… its time to review the car against its younger brothers… the Twizy, Zoe and Leaf.

Younger brothers because the Mahindra E2O is Version 2.0 of the Chetan Maini’s Reva Car called G-Wiz in UK. The first generation of G-Wiz was an awesome car back then… and offered something no car maker ever dared 20yrs ago!!! To make an electric car… and then export it to 23 countries.

It was an era when Tesla as a company was not even born. A car so light which could be pushed by a 5th grade student. The Lead Acid battery in the 1st generation car could last as long as 5 YEARS!!!  The lead Acid battery longevity is unparalleled even today !!! The Version 1 of E2O called Reva Car had also traveled 3,500 kms cross country through 15 Cities in India in the year 2009.

In the process to find an investor/car maker Chetan lost 10 precious years… 5yrs in his chase to find a car maker who could maker bigger investment and take it forward… and another 5yrs to get the car manufactured and released. This was the time when the Indian economy was opening up and there was threat that the US car makers would come and capture the entire market. This never happened… just like iPhone US cars could never become a favorite of Indians.

But after loosing 10 precious years the version 2 is out and we would stick our neck out and say Reva2 (E2O) is almost…almost on par with the Best Electric Car in the business… The Nissan LEAF.

Nissan has taken great care to pack the Leaf with a lot of goodies… which made the Leaf cost (£27,230) almost twice as expensive as E2O (£15,995). But then it is no mean task for Mahindra E2O to come out 2nd Best Car !… read on to find out… Continue reading