Tag Archives: Solar Panels

Make Solar Panels compulsory on all Buildings, Shop & Farm else fine them Rs 100,000/yr

Recently there were news articles about Venkaiah Naidu appealing to Indian govt & firms to install Roof Top Solar Panels.

Prime Minister Modi too has been asking people to use Solar Power and even made a lot of policies for people to find it easy to install Solar Power.

But are the people moving? Yes there is movement in that aspect but the movement is very slow. The momentum has not picked up in spite of Solar Panels being able to output more than 6 times the wattage than just 10 years ago.

Output per panel has increased by almost 6 times in last decade!

Even the price for the panels …

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Vinisha Umashankar wins Swedish prize for solar-powered ironing cart design

Bengaluru: Bescom launches Rooftop solar scheme

BANGALORE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY (BESCOMis inviting applications from all it’s consumers for installation of grid connected Solar RTPV plants under Net-metering & Gross metering arrangement.

BESCOM Link:Here

The advantages are:

KSEB to install rooftop solar panels – Kochi-citizens tops application list

Kerala state electricity board (KSEB) authorities in Kochi have started measures to facilitate installation of solar panels as part of SOURA PROJECT.

solar companies in Kerala

Of the 6,000 applications received from… Continue reading

How many solar panels do we need?

All your life you lived dependent upon the electric company to supply you with electricity.

It is now possible to easily generate electricity for your home from wind power… or from Solar power… or from both… solar and wind power.

Even if you generate at least 50% of your electricity requirements, then you get 50% discounted electricity. Lets check out power from solar panels.

How many solar panels do we really need?

Lets find out in the below video.

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Farm in a Box… farming reinvented!


Community Farming Reinvented. 

Farm from a Box provides communities with the tools required to grow their own food and earn an income. Built from a modified shipping container, each unit contains a complete ecosystem of smart farm technologies to enhance agricultural productivity; from renewable power and micro-drip irrigation, to Information and Communications Technology.

The need to provide a sustainable…

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What can I power with a 100w Solar Panel

Although 250W solar panels are available, in this video, we explore how to determine:

  • how much power a 100W solar panel will generate?,
  • what size battery and charge controller you need to store the power,
  • what you can power with it and for how long?

We also show you how to do the calculations for yourself to figure out what you could do with off grid solar. Note that at minute 7, we included a deration for the inverter losses. Since we are talking about what size battery is needed to put power in, not taking power out, we don’t need to do that step. The battery can be 5% smaller than we calculated.

Sunny Days for the EV Charging Kiosks

What is an EV charging Kiosk? This is an EV Charging Station that could (depending upon the location) charge your EV for free or for a FEE. This fee could also vary depending upon the location of the station.

How does it work?

How the Smart EV Charging Kiosk/Station would function. These are already functioning in UK
How the Smart EV Charging Kiosk/Station functions in UK. The 3rd step can be avoided by getting RFID built in the vehicle. This will also protect against theft.

There is also another challenge… about places with power cuts. There is solution for this also. In places like Kerala even today they almost live in the dark ages… Continue reading

St Stanislaus, Bandra goes solar

St.Stanislaus High School

In a bid to cut down expenses, St Stanislaus High School, a semi-aided school in Bandra, has turned to generating power for itself by installing solar panels. According to the school, the panels, which were installed at a cost of `70 lakh, which was arranged…

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Masdar City & its Mistakes

If one flies over the desert of Abu Dhabi, out of nowhere there appears a huge, geometrical shaped complex with many buildings.

Why Masdar Failed

The city was supposed to be a model for high-tech, carbon-neutral cities powered off green energy, but instead the city has become a ghost town.

Masdar City – the US $ 22 billion project was started in 2006 and was supposed to be completed in 8 yrs (by 2014). The plan was to use solar energy for 70% of the power generation of the city.  Today the project has already been… Continue reading