Tag Archives: WagonR

Suzuki finally targets 1.5 million Electric cars sales PER YR in India in next 2 yrs!

Sensing the reluctance of both Indian car makers Mahindra and Tata Motors along with other multinational car makers to make electric cars in India Japan has seized the opportunity to win over the Indian government by finally committing to develop electric cars in India.


The Indian government has been providing a carrot & stick to Mahindra & Tata to develop electric cars and they… Continue reading

Why Gogoro Electric Scooter is a Joke!

Gogoro is a scooter that travels 100km IF…IF…. IF driven at 25kms speed and possibly 50kms if driven at higher speed. It has battery you cannot charge at home or anywhere at all… if you want to charge it then you got to take it to the charging station… for which you have to drive to the nearest charging station to swap the batteries… The Scooter itself is so short and small that only 1 adult can sit on the scooter. But in its website it keeps talking about “carrying another passenger”…wonder where? On your lap or your shoulder? Which is why of all the thousands of images of the scooter very few is there of the scooter with side view like below… even in this the rider has been pushed to the front and his knees is touching the front part of the bike.To go through all this torture you have to shell out…

Gogoro is an expensive 1 person scooter!

Gogoro is an expensive 1 person scooter! CNG vehicles have equivalent running cost as electric vehicles without the higher initial cost of the Electric Vehicles!!!

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Top Posts for PlugInCaroo & power of Digital & Social Media

We at PlugInCaroo would love to bring to your attention that the most looked up post on the site. It is definitely “NanoGenX vs Alto vs Eon vs WagonR“…The comparison is made with other cars which are a direct competition to Nano. These were not randomly picked but were carefully selected from a list of cars as these are the MOST SELLING CARS in INDIA.

PlugInCaroo top Posts - 2015

                                               PlugInCaroo’s Top Posts for Year 2015!

Going by numbers on our website… which is not even a website but just a blog-site…yet it was able to have effect-ed at least 100 Tata Nano GenX and 10 Mahindra E2O sales since June 2015. Wonder how many of their sales person make 100 sales in 4 Months? Most of their Dealers and sales people hardly know anything about these cars!! And do you think TATA or Mahindra cares for stuff like which salesman sold how much etc? Ha HA..

The cost of 1 GenX Nano car = Rs 220,000 (ave).

The cost of 100 GenX Nano car = Rs 22,000,000 (ave).

Profit for Company (10%) on 100 GenX car = Rs 22,00,000 (Rs 22Lakh) made just from PlugInCaroo blog in 4months… what do you think is the sales possibility in a year?… multiply 22 lakh x 3 (to get 12 month numbers) = 66 Lakhs… What do you think the company should pay as “advertisement” to the blog? … 10% of its profits? 6 Lakhs? Fair enough? Now imagine if this was a website with proper search engine reach, multiple pages, SEO, digital media and social media suppor, with support staff,  etc? This websites alone could do a minimum of 500 vehicle sales a year. They would still make a profit even after paying Rs 10 Lakh to PlugInCaroo website. That is the power of Social Media now multiple this with a hundred such websites in India and you can see a Tsunami…but unfortunately there are very few independent websites dedicated to Fuel-efficient Vehicles like Nano, electric vehicles and clean energy in India…. in time they might grow.

Why are we asking these questions? Because it is very relevant… and the answer is in the Power and reach of the Internet,  and the social media

Why is PlugInCaroo a blog-site and not a website?… well… we do not want to put money from our pocket to market and sell the cars for companies who do not want to pay for the effort people put in to sell THEIR product on which THEY earn a profit. We have discussed this with many companies at various levels and the response they have is that of amusement to say the least. Simple as that. companies think why to pay “small time” websites to advertise their vehicles as they are already doing multi-million advertisements.

Many companies also feel that its easy for a million $ company to have a website or a blog or forum with people giving positive review of the various vehicles… this is anything but the truth as people reading on the Tata or Mahindra or any such website do know that these people on the website are either getting paid or could even be their own employees… so you can put in 1,000 positive review on company website and these can carry zero value because PEOPLE KNOW… they are not dumb… thats why they are google searching… AWAY from company blogs and even landing on blogs like PlugInCaroo.

Then why are we doing this blogsite? It is just an effort to counter and remove the myth and shit put out by petrol-heads and their websites. Of course paid advertisements could scale up the proportions of the reach of the site.. and increase the sales by that much. Most Car companies sell cars & bikes in the traditional way… by Radio-TV-Newspaper advertisement…  One of the best ways to check if your company is advertising in modern way is to check how much they are

                            A. Spending via the Social Media +Blogs+ the Internet


                            B. Spending on Radio+TV+Newspaper.

If the Budget in your company for “B” is greater than the Budget for “A” it means you are advertising the traditional way and almost 60% of that advertisement is wasted. We can’t imagine any CAR or BIKE company  in the world who would have the balls or thought process to have a bigger Social Media+Blog+Internet budget…

Another example is Prashant Kishore who not only orchestrated Narendra Modi’s victory in 2014 General elections but also the victory of the Alliance of Nitish Kumar+Lalu+Congress in Bihar Elections 2015

…And yeah… Just to give you perspective…  there are much more people interested in “Holes in Mikhale Bora’s Story” (posted in Sept) than in Electric vehicles… and that post could, by the end of the year, be the top “searched” post on PlugInCaroo…

PlugInCaroo top Posts – 2015

Nano GenX vs Alto vs Hyundai Eon vs WagonR vs Hyundai i10

Nano GenX vs Alto vs Hyundai Eon vs WagonR vs Hyundai i10

Tatas will soon be opening for the booking of the Tata Nano Automatic (AMT) which goes by the name of Nano GenX. We at PlugInKaroo bring you the first review of the vehicle. We have compared the vehicle against 25 parameters and the Nano has come out on top in 10 of them while i10 and WagonR come out on top in just 4 each. This is a vast difference… this shows that Nano is one excellent and useful car. Do also note that the cost of the i10 is about two times the cost of a Nano. We have compared only the top variant of each car as we feel if one has to buy a car you must as well want to use the best feature it has to offer else settle for an auto rickshaw. After all a car you buy is for your and your family’s comfort!

Tata Nano GenX - the Automatic version with open-able hatch!

Tata Nano GenX – the Automatic version with open-able hatch!

So here are the test results below:

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E2O Vs Swift, Alto, WagonR, i10, Santro, Nano


Mahindra E2O v/s Tata Nano – 2 great cars that showcase the ingenuity of Indian Engineering

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