Tag Archives: US

BMW, Daimler and Volkswagen as good as finished in war with Trump

USA has been one of the biggest markets for BMW, Daimler & VW and these companies have been building cars in Mexico and exporting it to the US for years. But recently Donald Trump decided to put a 35% border tax on these companies to “encourage” them to start factories in US. Donald is right because his priorities are the US citizens and creating jobs for them. But this Border Tax will hit these companies very hard…

LOL… here VW lies about its emission & later gets caught. It WAS after all your daddy’s diesel!

Trump has warned car manufacturers to start making cars in … Continue reading

Solar Apartments – the latest trend in Japan

Tokyo Institute of Technology Unveils New Facade Decked Out in 4,500 Solar Panels!

Tokyo Institute of Technology Unveils New Facade Decked Out in 4,500 Solar Panels!

Japan was nuke-bombed by USA during the World War II not once but twice… then USA went ahead and stopped Japan from forming its own army. For any protection they needed they will have to depend upon their own enemy… USA… for help. This was a biggest insult any nation could face… It was then that Japan decided to destroy USA with what was left with them… their financial, & commercial power. Continue reading